Overcoming Roadblocks With Foltz Trucking: PRO Resources Case Study


The business

Foltz Trucking is a family-owned, over-the-road trucking company based in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Founded in 1958, Foltz hauls dry agricultural commodities throughout the United States and Canada. 

Over 25 years ago, Foltz started working with PRO Resources to handle all of their HR needs. After comparing PRO to their HR provider at the time, they made the switch and have been with PRO ever since. 

“They were offering better benefits for our company. That's why we switched to PRO,” says Ken Foltz, VP of Foltz Trucking.   

Since then, PRO and Foltz have partnered on many initiatives to make Foltz a better, more profitable place to work. 



The challenges

While trucking is a unique industry, many of its challenges are similar to other midsize businesses, including: 

  • Increased health risks
  • Expensive workers' compensation rates
  • High employee turnover 

The solutions 

Driver health and wellness

Health and wellness is a big topic in the trucking industry. Limited access to healthy foods and a sedentary lifestyle lead to higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. According to the CDC, the average lifespan of a truck driver is only 61 years old. 

Foltz and PRO Resources are working to change that by offering a wider range of health benefits to their drivers. Every year, PRO puts on a wellness event, including free flu shots, blood work, and blood pressure checks. They bring in dietitians, dentists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and psychologists. 

“PRO has been very instrumental,” says Ken about the success of the event. 

Compared to the rest of the industry, Foltz is leading the way in supporting their drivers' wellbeing. 

“We’re kind of the pioneers in trucking,” says Ken, “There are a lot of companies that are just getting on that bandwagon in the last few years, but we've been doing this for over 15 years.” 

Drivers also have year-round access to a health coach through PRO. If they’re trying to lose weight, for example, they can check in with their coach for guidance and accountability. Another way PRO helps drivers keep health top of mind is by promoting different challenges, like distributing pedometers and incentivizing steps. 

“They definitely keep us motivated to keep things fresh,” says Ken. 

Workers compensation and safety 

Compared to other industries, trucking has expensive workers’ comp insurance rates. Between driving, loading, and climbing into semi-trucks, there are quite a few risk factors. Rates also vary from state to state, and Minnesota's, where Foltz Trucking is based, are especially high.  

PRO Resources helps Foltz save on this expense by leveraging economies of scale. Using the combined buying power of all their clients, PRO can secure lower rates for workers’ comp insurance. Foltz also works with a dedicated worker’s comp specialist at PRO to handle any claims or adjustments. 

“Carol is phenomenal at bird-dogging problems and staying on top of things,” says Ken, “If any employee gets hurt, it’s important to know exactly what happened. We can't find out two weeks later.”

PRO takes a proactive approach to safety. In addition to a workers' comp specialist, they also provide a dedicated safety coordinator. For Foltz, that means a visit to the shop every two months to ensure everything is compliant with safety regulations. This is especially helpful prior to an OSHA visit so that Foltz can avoid being fined for any violations. 

Finally, PRO coordinates regular, tailored safety training. Whether it's how to safely enter the cab, reminders to stay hydrated in the summer, or providing ice cleats for winter parking lots, PRO helps keep safety a top priority. 


Recruitment and retention 

When Foltz is ready to hire new drivers, they look to PRO to help vet the candidates. In addition to providing an online application, PRO coordinates a wellness check and strength test to ensure new hires are a good fit for the job. 

Foltz employs drivers from along their routes across 20 different states. With labor laws varying from state to state and frequently changing, it’s a real challenge to stay up to date on policies. PRO not only tracks those changes but updates and distributes employee handbooks to all the drivers. 

While hiring is one task, retaining is another — especially with the industry’s 85% average turnover rate. By running their payroll, 401(k), and health insurance through PRO Resources, Foltz is able to offer competitive benefits that attract drivers and keep them happy. 

Just as important is how the drivers are treated. To help show their appreciation, PRO helps recognize every employee's birthday and work anniversary. While it may be a small thing, Foltz’s culture of appreciation is one reason they have so many drivers with decades-long tenures. 


The results 

By supporting drivers' health, prioritizing safety, and creating a culture of appreciation, PRO Resource and Foltz Trucking have created an industry-leading workplace. 

Foltz Trucking has a 70% lower employee turnover rate than the industry average. 

“There's so much value added that they bring to the table. They've taken us to another level,” says Ken. 

Whether it's turnover, workers' comp, employee wellbeing, or any other HR issue,  PRO has tailored solutions to help businesses set higher goals — and reach them. 

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